Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Portaits of Children - what to expect!

A recent comment made me think about what people generally expect from a portrait shoot which involves small children.  Having photographed children (including my own) for quite some time, I have seen a major shift in styles etc..  We are influenced by the world around us and "the new style portraiture" available today.   For a long time a "professional shoot" meant posing by appropiate backgrounds and a pot plant. 

More recently a more relaxed and candid style is all the rage and this is where it makes me think... 

Come to the studio, children in hand and let them run around, jump, explore, play Great! 

The downside is you actually have to let that happen and be prepared for photo's (Han - above)  back to the camera, clearly more interested in the balloons, relaxed and enjoying the session.  For me that photo says a lot about Han, he is relaxed in the studio, he is blissfully unaware of the camera and over the session his confidence grew to actually engaging with the camera ( more looking at how it works \ his picture on there).  And I know his Mum agrees she actually encourages the kids to play etc and doesn't focus on the camera.

It's important to know your child and how they may react to being in the studio, the most confident child may be shy, talk to your photograher, let the kids talk too, let them explore their own idea's, you will get more relaxed kids and better photo's.  Luckily Hans brother has no problem with posing, however he does have his own ideas and some of the results are beautiful:

"Han sit on my back"  - Dylan says not quite prepared!

This to me (and Mum) shows the relationship between the boys and for her these photo's are "a portait" of her boys, boisterous, funny and cute!

  Patience and a sense of humour are key to working with kids.
----- you see we did get one !

or two.....or three.....

On the rare occasions kids have bad days and sometimes it may not be the day to get great photo's.  I always offer to reshoot as I know that often once the child has a least seen the studio etc.  This means that next time they know what to expect and with encoragement have a great time!